Thursday, March 10, 2016

NEW Sample Edit Service, Now Accepting Commissions for the Spring

Hello Everyone,

So much has been happening since my last post. Where to start?

First off, editing is now complete on several books from D.P. Prior (Carnifex, Geas of the Black Axe, Revenge of the Lich and Return of the Dwarf Lords--this is the COMPLETE  Legends of the Nameless Dwarf Saga) as well as one from Derek Prior (The Attic). WHEW!  That was a lot of editing!

So, the good news is that I am now accepting commissions for the Spring.  As always, slots are filled on a first come, first served basis, so book early for the dates you want.  

A second very exciting thing is the new sample edit service: First Five Pages Critique. This option gives you the full editorial experience on the most important part of your book:  The opening.  It also gives you a taste of my editorial style and helps you determine if we will be a good fit to work together on larger projects.

Also, during the past few months, I completed and released my own novella, The House, which has met with phenomenal success. Production on the audio book version of this is complete, so this story will soon be available on Audible. There are also several foreign language translations in the works for this and my previous short, The Basement . Very exciting times!

As always, if you have any questions or are interested in booking one of my services, please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you. :-)